13. maj 2011


Hi, I'm Christian from Italy and I'm a big fan of yours.
I'm writing to you because I've found a T-shirt in a store with a bike
draw on it, and it looks familiar...
As you can see It's with no doubt your Monkee 11 "Gorilla Punch", but
your name isn't showed anywhere.
The brand is "selected" but even on the website there is nothing about you.
Maybe you already know about it and it's ok, but I've though it was
right to tell you about it.
I've attached some photos of the T-shirt. I Hope everything will be fine.

Christian www.planbmotorcycles.com

NO ! This t-shirt has nothing to do with Wrenchmonkees, other than to SELECTED HOMME has stolen our image of Gorilla Punch and used on this t-shirt.

This has not happened with our acceptance and has nothing to do with Wrenchmonkees!

We received this mail from Christian, and was surprised that this t-shirt arrived at Italy.

Many thanks to Christian for making us aware of this and the nice pictures!

An appeal to all you out there if you find this t-shirt in a store, on the street or maybe have allready bought one, please take a picture of it and write us an email telling where and what country you found it in.

Thanks for your support!