25. maj 2012


New things are happening and we are also busy trying to keep up with all the mails and bike assembling..

16. maj 2012


We had a great time, a bit cold but nice to see all of you out there, See you there next year?

11. maj 2012

Grab & Twist.

New section in our facebook. You just look forward, Grab & Twist!!!!

5. maj 2012

This summer we will go on our first Monkeetrip. We will be on the road from the 11th of June to the 18th of June. You are welcome to join us, maybe just for an hour, a day, or all the way... We have a few stops planned already, but if you know of a good spot, maybe a farm, a big backyard, or a campsite where we can spend the night, you are welcome to let us know. Write a comment, or send us a mail if you want to join us or invite us ! -Just be aware that we are at least 15 bikes and riders, before you invite us to a barbeque at your grandma´s place. We will try to stick with the route as planned, see maps below, but we might change it from day to day, depending on the bikes, riders, weather, roadconditions etc.. Please stay tuned on our new MONKEE TRIP Blog for any updates and stories on the tour. See you there...

3. maj 2012

Congrats !!

To our friend Anders, one down one to go !


Late night shots... So much to do and so much we want to do, but not enough hours !


Simple and classic, it's been a fun bike to build with loads of challenges, it doesn't seem like much and the clean look will fool you. The proportions are difficult to work with, but in our opinion it's a classic. Stay tuned for updates.